Discover your IQ - – The Identity Quest™ Program
In•tel•li•gence quo•tient: a) something to express the apparent relative intelligence; b) the ability to learn, understand or deal with new or trying situations; c) the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria; d) the act of understanding; e) process to give rational form or content to.
The JFD Advertising & Public Relations group has developed a proprietary Marketing Assessment Process program we call Identity Quest™ that allows advertisers to finely hone their marketing communications messages to their target audience.
Execution of the Identity Quest process will result in the development of a brand strategy that will leverage the assets and customer benefits inherent in dealing with the advertiser, and provides a roadmap for the tactical execution phase of creative development.
It is in that tactical execution phase of the creative development process where we will develop solutions that will differentiate the advertiser from all competitive entities. The result will produce a unique brand look and feel that will effectively communicate and establish an emotional connection with the advertiser’s key prospects, based upon the findings and conclusions that result from the Identity Quest discovery process.
Identity Quest gives you the insight to know what your customers want and need from your company, and the creative solutions that arise from this process will give you the tools you need to effectively communicate how your company is the best option to meet those customer needs.